Parking Information
Spectator Parking
Spectator parking will be available in the SouthLot (reachable from 29th Ave or 10th St). Please enter using Door 13 (in the alcove to the left of the Main Gym entrance). Overflow parking may be available in the North Lot (please enter through Door 3). In the event that both parking lots are full, the most convenient parking would be in the neighborhood to the west of 10th Street. Please note that there is no parking allowed on 10th Street.
Competing Team Parking
Bus drivers should use the North Lot to drop off teams at Door 4. Once the buses are empty, we ask the bus drivers to park in the lot at Excelsior Middle School (3555 N. 10th St.), which is just north of the high school. There will be a shuttle available for bus drivers to return to Linn-Mar High School.
Competing teams’ students not arriving by bus should park in the North Lot and enter through Door 3.
Handicap Parking/Entrance
There is substantial handicap parking in the South parking lot. Please use Door 13 (Located behind the South flagpole) to enter.
Fire Lanes
Beware of Fire Lane restrictions around the high school and adjacent school structures.
Equipment Drop Off
Equipment drop off on Friday should be arranged with our Backstage Coordinator (see email communication for their contact information) to arrange times and drop off doors with your tech team. Equipment drop off on Saturday should enter the North Lot where you will be directed by our parking attendants. Equipment trailers will be parked at Excelsior Middle School just north of the Linn-Mar High School (see parking attendant for directions and for a shuttle to return to Linn-Mar High School).
Volunteer Parking
Volunteers should park in the North Lot and enter through Door 4.